#include "callbacks.h" #include "common.h" #include "driver.h" #include "queue.h" CALLBACK_CONFIGURATION configuration; QUEUE_HEAD head = { 0 }; /* * This mutex is to prevent a new item being pushed to the queue * while the HandlePeriodicCallbackReportQueue is iterating through * the objects. This can be an issue because the spinlock is released * after each report is placed in the IRP buffer which means a new report * can be pushed into the queue before the next iteration can take ownership * of the spinlock. */ KGUARDED_MUTEX mutex; UNICODE_STRING OBJECT_TYPE_PROCESS = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING( L"Process" ); VOID InitCallbackReportQueue( _In_ PBOOLEAN Status ) { head.start = NULL; head.end = NULL; head.entries = 0; KeInitializeSpinLock( &head.lock ); KeInitializeGuardedMutex( &mutex ); *Status = TRUE; } VOID InsertReportToQueue( _In_ POPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT Report ) { KeAcquireGuardedMutex( &mutex ); QueuePush( &head, Report ); KeReleaseGuardedMutex( &mutex ); } VOID FreeQueueObjectsAndCleanup() { KeAcquireGuardedMutex( &mutex ); PVOID report = QueuePop(&head ); if ( report == NULL ) goto end; while ( report != NULL ) report = QueuePop( &head ); end: KeReleaseGuardedMutex( &mutex ); } NTSTATUS HandlePeriodicCallbackReportQueue( _In_ PIRP Irp ) { PVOID report = NULL; INT count = 0; OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT_HEADER header; KeAcquireGuardedMutex( &mutex ); report = QueuePop( &head ); if ( report == NULL ) { DEBUG_LOG( "callback report queue is empty, returning" ); Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT_HEADER ); goto end; } Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT ) * MAX_HANDLE_REPORTS_PER_IRP + sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT_HEADER ); while ( report != NULL ) { if ( count >= MAX_HANDLE_REPORTS_PER_IRP ) goto end; RtlCopyMemory( ( ( UINT64 )Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer + sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT_HEADER ) ) + count * sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT ), report, sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT ) ); report = QueuePop( &head ); count += 1; } end: header.count = count; RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &header, sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT_HEADER )); KeReleaseGuardedMutex( &mutex ); DEBUG_LOG( "Moved all reports into the IRP, sending !" ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID ObPostOpCallbackRoutine( _In_ PVOID RegistrationContext, _In_ POB_POST_OPERATION_INFORMATION OperationInformation ) { } OB_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS ObPreOpCallbackRoutine( _In_ PVOID RegistrationContext, _In_ POB_PRE_OPERATION_INFORMATION OperationInformation ) { KeAcquireGuardedMutex( &configuration.mutex ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( RegistrationContext ); /* access mask to completely strip permissions */ ACCESS_MASK deny_access = SYNCHRONIZE | PROCESS_TERMINATE; /* Access mask to be used for crss / lsass */ ACCESS_MASK downgrade_access = 0; /* * This callback routine is executed in the context of the thread that * is requesting to open said handle */ PEPROCESS process_creator = PsGetCurrentProcess(); PEPROCESS target_process = ( PEPROCESS )OperationInformation->Object; LONG target_process_id = PsGetProcessId( target_process ); LONG process_creator_id = PsGetProcessId( process_creator ); LONG protected_process_id = NULL; LPCSTR process_creator_name; LPCSTR target_process_name; GetProtectedProcessId( &protected_process_id ); process_creator_name = PsGetProcessImageFileName( process_creator ); target_process_name = PsGetProcessImageFileName( target_process ); if ( !strcmp( "notepad.exe", target_process_name) ) { if ( !strcmp( process_creator_name, "lsass.exe" ) || !strcmp( process_creator_name, "csrss.exe" ) ) { /* We will downgrade these handles later */ DEBUG_LOG( "Handles created by CSRSS and LSASS are allowed for now..." ); } else if ( target_process == process_creator ) { DEBUG_LOG( "handles made by NOTEPAD r okay :)" ); /* handles created by the game (notepad) are okay */ } else { OperationInformation->Parameters->CreateHandleInformation.DesiredAccess = deny_access; OperationInformation->Parameters->DuplicateHandleInformation.DesiredAccess = deny_access; DEBUG_LOG( "handle stripped from: %s", process_creator_name ); POPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT report = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT ), REPORT_POOL_TAG ); if ( !report ) goto end; report->report_code = REPORT_ILLEGAL_HANDLE_OPERATION; report->access = OperationInformation->Parameters->CreateHandleInformation.DesiredAccess; report->is_kernel_handle = OperationInformation->KernelHandle; report->process_id = process_creator_id; report->thread_id = PsGetCurrentThreadId(); RtlCopyMemory( report->process_name, process_creator_name, HANDLE_REPORT_PROCESS_NAME_MAX_LENGTH ); InsertReportToQueue( report ); } } end: KeReleaseGuardedMutex( &configuration.mutex ); return OB_PREOP_SUCCESS; } //VOID ProcessCreateNotifyRoutine( // _In_ HANDLE ParentId, // _In_ HANDLE ProcessId, // _In_ BOOLEAN Create //) //{ // NTSTATUS status; // PEPROCESS parent_process; // PEPROCESS target_process; // LONG parent_process_id; // LONG target_process_id; // LPCSTR target_process_name = NULL; // LPCSTR parent_process_name = NULL; // // status = PsLookupProcessByProcessId( ParentId, &parent_process ); // // if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) // return; // // status = PsLookupProcessByProcessId( ProcessId, &target_process ); // // if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) // return; // // parent_process_name = PsGetProcessImageFileName( parent_process ); // // if ( !parent_process_name ) // return; // // target_process_name = PsGetProcessImageFileName( target_process ); // // if ( !target_process_name ) // return; // // if ( !strcmp( target_process_name, "notepad.exe") ) // { // parent_process_id = PsGetProcessId( parent_process ); // UpdateProtectedProcessParentId( parent_process_id ); // // target_process_id = PsGetProcessId( target_process ); // UpdateProtectedProcessId( target_process_id ); // // DEBUG_LOG( "Protected process parent proc id: %lx", parent_process_id ); // } //} /* stolen from ReactOS xD */ VOID NTAPI ExUnlockHandleTableEntry( IN PHANDLE_TABLE HandleTable, IN PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY HandleTableEntry ) { LONG_PTR old_value; PAGED_CODE(); /* Set the lock bit and make sure it wasn't earlier */ old_value = InterlockedOr( ( PLONG )&HandleTableEntry->VolatileLowValue, 1 ); /* Unblock any waiters */ ExfUnblockPushLock( &HandleTable->HandleContentionEvent, NULL ); } BOOLEAN EnumHandleCallback( _In_ PHANDLE_TABLE HandleTable, _In_ PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY Entry, _In_ HANDLE Handle, _In_ PVOID Context ) { PVOID object; PVOID object_header; POBJECT_TYPE object_type; PEPROCESS process; PEPROCESS protected_process = NULL; LPCSTR process_name; LPCSTR protected_process_name; LONG protected_process_id = NULL; ACCESS_MASK handle_access_mask; object_header = GET_OBJECT_HEADER_FROM_HANDLE( Entry->ObjectPointerBits ); /* Object header is the first 30 bytes of the object */ object = ( uintptr_t )object_header + OBJECT_HEADER_SIZE; object_type = ObGetObjectType( object ); /* TODO: check for threads aswell */ if ( !RtlCompareUnicodeString( &object_type->Name, &OBJECT_TYPE_PROCESS, TRUE ) ) { process = ( PEPROCESS )object; process_name = PsGetProcessImageFileName( process ); GetProtectedProcessId( &protected_process_id ); GetProtectedProcessEProcess( &protected_process ); protected_process_name = PsGetProcessImageFileName( protected_process ); if ( strcmp( process_name, protected_process_name ) ) goto end; DEBUG_LOG( "Handle references our protected process with access mask: %lx", ( ACCESS_MASK )Entry->GrantedAccessBits ); handle_access_mask = ( ACCESS_MASK )Entry->GrantedAccessBits; /* These permissions can be stripped from every process including CSRSS and LSASS */ if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_VM_READ ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_VM_READ; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_VM_READ" ); } if ( !strcmp( process_name, "csrss.exe" ) || !strcmp( process_name, "lsass.exe" ) ) { DEBUG_LOG( "Required system process allowed, only stripping some permissions" ); goto end; } /* Permissions beyond here can only be stripped from non critical processes */ if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_SET_QUOTA ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_SET_QUOTA; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_SET_QUOTA" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME " ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_TERMINATE ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_TERMINATE; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_TERMINATE" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_VM_OPERATION ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_VM_OPERATION; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_VM_OPERATION" ); } if ( handle_access_mask & PROCESS_VM_WRITE ) { Entry->GrantedAccessBits &= ~PROCESS_VM_WRITE; DEBUG_LOG( "Stripped PROCESS_VM_WRITE" ); } POPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT report = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof( OPEN_HANDLE_FAILURE_REPORT ), REPORT_POOL_TAG ); if ( !report ) goto end; /* * Using the same report structure as the ObRegisterCallbacks report * since both of these reports are closely related by the fact they are * triggered by a process either opening a handle to our protected process * or have a valid open handle to it. I also don't think its worth creating * another queue specifically for open handle reports since they will be * rare. */ report->report_code = REPORT_ILLEGAL_HANDLE_OPERATION; report->is_kernel_handle = NULL; report->process_id = PsGetProcessId( process ); report->thread_id = NULL; report->access = handle_access_mask; RtlCopyMemory( report->process_name, protected_process_name, HANDLE_REPORT_PROCESS_NAME_MAX_LENGTH ); InsertReportToQueue( report ); } end: ExUnlockHandleTableEntry( HandleTable, Entry ); return FALSE; } NTSTATUS EnumerateProcessHandles( _In_ PEPROCESS Process ) { /* Handles are paged out so we need to be at an IRQL that allows paging */ PAGED_CODE(); if ( !Process ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; //if ( Process == PsInitialSystemProcess ) // return STATUS_SUCCESS; PHANDLE_TABLE handle_table = *( PHANDLE_TABLE* )( ( uintptr_t )Process + EPROCESS_HANDLE_TABLE_OFFSET ); if ( !handle_table ) return STATUS_ABANDONED; if ( !MmIsAddressValid( handle_table ) ) return STATUS_ABANDONED; #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(suppress : 6387) BOOLEAN result = ExEnumHandleTable( handle_table, EnumHandleCallback, NULL, NULL ); #pragma warning(pop) return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * I dont think this way of enumerating processes is valid for something like an anti * cheat which is mass deployed and needs to ensure that it won't crash the system. * Since we have no access to the process structure locks it is definitely not * mass deployment safe lol. */ VOID EnumerateProcessListWithCallbackFunction( _In_ PVOID Function ) { if ( !Function ) return; PEPROCESS base_process = PsInitialSystemProcess; if ( !base_process ) return; PEPROCESS current_process = base_process; do { VOID( *callback_function_ptr )( PEPROCESS ) = Function; ( *callback_function_ptr )( current_process ); PLIST_ENTRY list = ( PLIST_ENTRY )( ( uintptr_t )current_process + EPROCESS_PLIST_ENTRY_OFFSET ); current_process = ( PEPROCESS )( ( uintptr_t )list->Flink - EPROCESS_PLIST_ENTRY_OFFSET ); } while ( current_process != base_process || !current_process ); } NTSTATUS InitiateDriverCallbacks() { NTSTATUS status; /* * This mutex ensures we don't unregister our ObRegisterCallbacks while * the callback function is running since this might cause some funny stuff * to happen. Better to be safe then sorry :) */ KeInitializeGuardedMutex( &configuration.mutex ); OB_CALLBACK_REGISTRATION callback_registration = { 0 }; OB_OPERATION_REGISTRATION operation_registration = { 0 }; operation_registration.ObjectType = PsProcessType; operation_registration.Operations = OB_OPERATION_HANDLE_CREATE | OB_OPERATION_HANDLE_DUPLICATE; operation_registration.PreOperation = ObPreOpCallbackRoutine; operation_registration.PostOperation = ObPostOpCallbackRoutine; callback_registration.Version = OB_FLT_REGISTRATION_VERSION; callback_registration.OperationRegistration = &operation_registration; callback_registration.OperationRegistrationCount = 1; callback_registration.RegistrationContext = NULL; status = ObRegisterCallbacks( &callback_registration, &configuration.registration_handle ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { DEBUG_ERROR( "failed to launch obregisters with status %x", status ); return status; } //status = PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine( // ProcessCreateNotifyRoutine, // FALSE //); //if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) // DEBUG_ERROR( "Failed to launch ps create notif routines with status %x", status ); return status; } VOID UnregisterCallbacksOnProcessTermination() { KeAcquireGuardedMutex( &configuration.mutex ); ObUnRegisterCallbacks( configuration.registration_handle ); configuration.registration_handle = NULL; KeReleaseGuardedMutex( &configuration.mutex ); }