#include "client.h" #include "common.h" #include global::Client::Client( std::shared_ptr ThreadPool, LPTSTR PipeName ) { this->thread_pool = ThreadPool; this->pipe = std::make_shared( PipeName ); } /* * Request an item from the server */ void global::Client::ServerRequest() { } /* * Send an item to the server */ void global::Client::ServerSend(PVOID Buffer, SIZE_T Size, INT RequestId) { mutex.lock(); global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_HEADER header; header.message_type = SERVER_SEND_PACKET_ID; memcpy( this->send_buffer, &header, sizeof( global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_HEADER ) ); LONG total_size_of_headers = sizeof( global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_HEADER ) + sizeof( global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_SEND_EXTENSION_HEADER ); if ( Size > ( SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - total_size_of_headers ) ) { INT total_packets = std::ceil( Size / ( SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - total_size_of_headers ) ); LONG remaining_bytes = Size + total_packets * total_size_of_headers; for ( INT count = 0; count < total_packets + 1; count++ ) { global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_SEND_EXTENSION_HEADER header_extension; header_extension.request_id = RequestId; header_extension.total_incoming_packet_count = total_packets; header_extension.total_incoming_packet_size = Size; header_extension.current_packet_number = count; header_extension.packet_size = count == total_packets ? remaining_bytes : SEND_BUFFER_SIZE; LOG_INFO( "current packet number: %lx, packet size: %lx", header_extension.current_packet_number, header_extension.packet_size ); memcpy( PVOID( ( UINT64 )this->send_buffer + sizeof( global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_HEADER ) ), &header_extension, sizeof(global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_SEND_EXTENSION_HEADER)); memcpy( PVOID( ( UINT64 )this->send_buffer + total_size_of_headers ), Buffer, ( UINT64 )header_extension.packet_size - total_size_of_headers ); this->pipe->WriteToPipe( this->send_buffer, header_extension.packet_size ); LOG_INFO( "remainiong bytes: %lx", remaining_bytes ); remaining_bytes = remaining_bytes - header_extension.packet_size; } } else { global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_SEND_EXTENSION_HEADER header_extension; header_extension.request_id = RequestId; header_extension.total_incoming_packet_count = 1; header_extension.total_incoming_packet_size = Size; header_extension.current_packet_number = 1; header_extension.packet_size = Size; memcpy( PVOID( ( UINT64 )this->send_buffer + sizeof( global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_HEADER ) ), &header_extension, sizeof( global::headers::PIPE_PACKET_SEND_EXTENSION_HEADER ) ); this->pipe->WriteToPipe( this->send_buffer, header_extension.packet_size ); } RtlZeroMemory( this->send_buffer, SEND_BUFFER_SIZE ); mutex.unlock(); }