#include "crypt.h" #include #include "imports.h" #include #define XOR_KEY_1 0x1122334455667788 #define XOR_KEY_2 0x0011223344556677 #define XOR_KEY_3 0x5566778899AABBCC #define XOR_KEY_4 0x66778899AABBCCDD STATIC __m256i CryptGenerateSseXorKey() { return _mm256_set_epi64x(XOR_KEY_1, XOR_KEY_2, XOR_KEY_3, XOR_KEY_4); } VOID CryptEncryptImportsArray(_In_ PUINT64 Array, _In_ UINT32 Entries) { UINT32 block_size = sizeof(__m256i) / sizeof(UINT64); UINT32 block_count = Entries / block_size; /* * Here we break down the import array into blocks of 32 bytes. Each * block is loaded into an SSE register, xored with the key, and then * copied back into the array. */ for (UINT32 block_index = 0; block_index < block_count; block_index++) { __m256i current_block = {0}; __m256i load_block = {0}; __m256i xored_block = {0}; RtlCopyMemory(¤t_block, &Array[block_index * block_size], sizeof(__m256i)); load_block = _mm256_loadu_si256(¤t_block); xored_block = _mm256_xor_si256(load_block, CryptGenerateSseXorKey()); RtlCopyMemory(&Array[block_index * block_size], &xored_block, sizeof(__m256i)); } } STATIC INLINE __m256i CryptDecryptImportBlock(_In_ PUINT64 Array, _In_ UINT32 BlockIndex) { __m256i load_block = {0}; UINT32 block_size = sizeof(__m256i) / sizeof(UINT64); RtlCopyMemory( &load_block, &Array[BlockIndex * block_size], sizeof(__m256i)); return _mm256_xor_si256(load_block, CryptGenerateSseXorKey()); } STATIC INLINE VOID CryptFindContainingBlockForArrayIndex(_In_ UINT32 EntryIndex, _In_ UINT32 BlockSize, _Out_ PUINT32 ContainingBlockIndex, _Out_ PUINT32 BlockSubIndex) { UINT32 containing_block = EntryIndex; UINT32 block_index = 0; if (EntryIndex < BlockSize) { *ContainingBlockIndex = 0; *BlockSubIndex = EntryIndex; return; } if (EntryIndex == BlockSize) { *ContainingBlockIndex = 1; *BlockSubIndex = 0; return; } while (containing_block % BlockSize != 0) { containing_block--; block_index++; } *ContainingBlockIndex = containing_block / BlockSize; *BlockSubIndex = block_index; } UINT64 CryptDecryptImportsArrayEntry(_In_ PUINT64 Array, _In_ UINT32 Entries, _In_ UINT32 EntryIndex) { __m256i original_block = {0}; __m128i original_half = {0}; UINT32 block_size = sizeof(__m256i) / sizeof(UINT64); UINT32 containing_block_index = 0; UINT32 block_sub_index = 0; UINT64 pointer = 0; CryptFindContainingBlockForArrayIndex( EntryIndex, block_size, &containing_block_index, &block_sub_index); original_block = CryptDecryptImportBlock(Array, containing_block_index); if (block_sub_index < 2) { original_half = _mm256_extracti128_si256(original_block, 0); if (block_sub_index < 1) pointer = _mm_extract_epi64(original_half, 0); else pointer = _mm_extract_epi64(original_half, 1); } else { original_half = _mm256_extracti128_si256(original_block, 1); if (block_sub_index == 2) pointer = _mm_extract_epi64(original_half, 0); else pointer = _mm_extract_epi64(original_half, 1); } return pointer; } /* * simple for now.. just to get it working */ VOID CryptDecryptBufferWithCookie(_In_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ UINT32 BufferSize, _In_ UINT32 Cookie) { PCHAR buffer = (PCHAR)Buffer; for (UINT32 index = 0; index < BufferSize; index++) { buffer[index] ^= Cookie; } }