#include "hv.h" #include #include "common.h" #include "ioctl.h" #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, PerformVirtualizationDetection) #endif #define TOTAL_ITERATION_COUNT 20 /* * TODO: Perform the test in a loop and average the delta out, then compare it * to an instruction such as FYL2XP1 (source: secret.club) which has an average * execution time slightly higher then the CPUID instruction then compare the two. * If the average time for the CPUID instruction is higher then the average time * for the FYL2XP1 instruction it is a dead giveaway we are running on a * virtualized system. * * reference: https://secret.club/2020/01/12/battleye-hypervisor-detection.html */ _IRQL_always_function_max_(HIGH_LEVEL) STATIC INT APERFMsrTimingCheck() { KAFFINITY new_affinity = { 0 }; KAFFINITY old_affinity = { 0 }; ULONG64 old_irql; INT cpuid_result[4]; /* * First thing we do is we lock the current thread to the logical processor * its executing on. */ new_affinity = (KAFFINITY)(1ull << KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber()); old_affinity = KeSetSystemAffinityThreadEx(new_affinity); /* * Once we've locked our thread to the current core, we save the old irql * and raise to HIGH_LEVEL to ensure the chance our thread is preempted * by a thread with a higher IRQL is extremely low. */ old_irql = __readcr8(); __writecr8(HIGH_LEVEL); /* * Then we also disable interrupts, once again making sure our thread * is not preempted. */ _disable(); /* * Once our thread is ready for the test, we read the APERF from the * MSR register and store it. We then execute a CPUID instruction * which we don't really care about and immediately after read the APERF * counter once again and store it in a seperate variable. */ UINT64 aperf_before = __readmsr(IA32_APERF_MSR) << 32; __cpuid(cpuid_result, 1); UINT64 aperf_after = __readmsr(IA32_APERF_MSR) << 32; /* * Once we have performed our test, we want to make sure we are not * hogging the cpu time from other threads, so we reverse the initial * preparation process. i.e we first enable interrupts, lower our irql * to the threads previous irql before it was raised and then restore the * threads affinity back to its original affinity. */ _enable(); __writecr8(old_irql); KeRevertToUserAffinityThreadEx(old_affinity); /* * Now the only thing left to do is calculate the change. Now, on some VMs * such as VMWARE the aperf value will be 0, meaning the change will be 0. * This is a dead giveaway we are executing in a VM. */ UINT64 aperf_delta = aperf_after - aperf_before; return aperf_delta == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; } NTSTATUS PerformVirtualizationDetection( _Inout_ PIRP Irp ) { PAGED_CODE(); NTSTATUS status = ValidateIrpOutputBuffer(Irp, sizeof(HYPERVISOR_DETECTION_REPORT)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to validate IRP output buffer"); return status; } HYPERVISOR_DETECTION_REPORT report; report.aperf_msr_timing_check = APERFMsrTimingCheck(); report.invd_emulation_check = TestINVDEmulation(); Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(HYPERVISOR_DETECTION_REPORT); RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &report, sizeof(HYPERVISOR_DETECTION_REPORT) ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }