#include "thread.h" #include #include "pool.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "driver.h" #include "queue.h" typedef struct _KPRCB_THREAD_VALIDATION_CTX { UINT64 current_kpcrb_thread; UINT8 thread_found_in_pspcidtable; UINT8 thread_found_in_kthreadlist; BOOLEAN finished; }KPRCB_THREAD_VALIDATION_CTX, * PKPRCB_THREAD_VALIDATION_CTX; STATIC VOID KPRCBThreadValidationProcessCallback( _In_ PEPROCESS Process, _Inout_ PVOID Context ) { NTSTATUS status; PLIST_ENTRY thread_list_head; PLIST_ENTRY thread_list_entry; PETHREAD current_thread; UINT32 thread_id; PKPRCB_THREAD_VALIDATION_CTX context = (PKPRCB_THREAD_VALIDATION_CTX)Context; if (context->finished == TRUE) return; thread_list_head = (PLIST_ENTRY)((UINT64)Process + KPROCESS_THREADLIST_OFFSET); thread_list_entry = thread_list_head->Flink; while (thread_list_entry != thread_list_head) { current_thread = (PETHREAD)((UINT64)thread_list_entry - KTHREAD_THREADLIST_OFFSET); if (current_thread == context->current_kpcrb_thread) { context->thread_found_in_kthreadlist = TRUE; thread_id = PsGetThreadId(current_thread); if (thread_id != NULL) { context->thread_found_in_pspcidtable = TRUE; context->finished = TRUE; } } thread_list_entry = thread_list_entry->Flink; } } /* * How this will work: * * 1. The KPCRB (processor control block) contains 3 pointers to 3 threads: * * +0x008 CurrentThread : Ptr64 _KTHREAD * +0x010 NextThread : Ptr64 _KTHREAD * +0x018 IdleThread : Ptr64 _KTHREAD * * 2. These threads are stored in a list that is seperate to the KTHREADs linked list. * We know this because if you unlink a process, the threads are still scheduled by * the OS, meaning the OS has a seperate list that it uses to schedule these threads. * * 3. From here we can firstly check if the KTHREAD is within the KTHREAD linked list, * if it is we can then use this to check if its in the PspCidTable by passing it * to PsGetThreadId which returns the thread id by enumerating the PspCidTable and * finding the corresponding object pointer. If the thread id is not found, we know * that it's been removed from the PspCidTable, and if the thread is not in any * process' thread list , we know it's been removed from the KTHREAD linked list. * */ VOID ValidateKPCRBThreads( _In_ PIRP Irp ) { NTSTATUS status; UINT64 kpcr; UINT64 kprcb; KAFFINITY old_affinity = { 0 }; KPRCB_THREAD_VALIDATION_CTX context = { 0 }; for (LONG processor_index = 0; processor_index < KeQueryActiveProcessorCount(0); processor_index++) { old_affinity = KeSetSystemAffinityThreadEx((KAFFINITY)(1 << processor_index)); kpcr = __readmsr(IA32_GS_BASE); kprcb = kpcr + KPRCB_OFFSET_FROM_GS_BASE; context.current_kpcrb_thread = *(UINT64*)(kprcb + KPCRB_CURRENT_THREAD); if (!context.current_kpcrb_thread) continue; EnumerateProcessListWithCallbackFunction( KPRCBThreadValidationProcessCallback, &context ); if (context.current_kpcrb_thread == FALSE || context.thread_found_in_pspcidtable == FALSE) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(HIDDEN_SYSTEM_THREAD_REPORT); HIDDEN_SYSTEM_THREAD_REPORT report; report.report_code = REPORT_HIDDEN_SYSTEM_THREAD; report.found_in_kthreadlist = context.thread_found_in_kthreadlist; report.found_in_pspcidtable = context.thread_found_in_pspcidtable; report.thread_id = PsGetThreadId(context.current_kpcrb_thread); report.thread_address = context.current_kpcrb_thread; RtlCopyMemory( report.thread, context.current_kpcrb_thread, sizeof(report.thread)); RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, &report, sizeof(HIDDEN_SYSTEM_THREAD_REPORT)); } KeRevertToUserAffinityThreadEx(old_affinity); } } STATIC VOID DetectAttachedThreadsProcessCallback( _In_ PEPROCESS Process, _In_ PVOID Context ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); NTSTATUS status; PLIST_ENTRY thread_list_head; PLIST_ENTRY thread_list_entry; PETHREAD current_thread; UINT32 thread_id; PKAPC_STATE apc_state; PEPROCESS protected_process = NULL; GetProtectedProcessEProcess(&protected_process); if (protected_process == NULL) return; thread_list_head = (PLIST_ENTRY)((UINT64)Process + KPROCESS_THREADLIST_OFFSET); thread_list_entry = thread_list_head->Flink; while (thread_list_entry != thread_list_head) { current_thread = (PETHREAD)((UINT64)thread_list_entry - KTHREAD_THREADLIST_OFFSET); apc_state = (PKAPC_STATE)((UINT64)current_thread + KTHREAD_APC_STATE_OFFSET); if (apc_state->Process == protected_process) { DEBUG_LOG("Program attached to notepad: %llx", (UINT64)current_thread); PATTACH_PROCESS_REPORT report = ExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(ATTACH_PROCESS_REPORT), REPORT_POOL_TAG); if (!report) return; report->report_code = REPORT_ILLEGAL_ATTACH_PROCESS; report->thread_id = PsGetThreadId(current_thread); report->thread_address = current_thread; InsertReportToQueue(report); } thread_list_entry = thread_list_entry->Flink; } } /* * I did not reverse this myself and previously had no idea how you would go about * detecting KiAttachProcess so credits to KANKOSHEV for the explanation: * * https://github.com/KANKOSHEV/Detect-KeAttachProcess/tree/main * https://doxygen.reactos.org/d0/dc9/procobj_8c.html#adec6dc539d4a5c0ee7d0f48e24ef0933 * * To expand on his writeup a little, the offset that he provides is equivalent to PKAPC_STATE->Process. * This is where KiAttachProcess writes the process that thread is attaching to when it's called. * The APC_STATE structure holds relevant information about the thread's APC state and is quite * important during context switch scenarios as it's how the thread determines if it has any APC's * queued. */ VOID DetectThreadsAttachedToProtectedProcess() { EnumerateProcessListWithCallbackFunction( DetectAttachedThreadsProcessCallback, NULL ); }