#include "thread.h" #include <intrin.h> #include "pool.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "driver.h" #include "queue.h" #include "imports.h" #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA # pragma alloc_text(PAGE, DetectThreadsAttachedToProtectedProcess) # pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ValidateThreadsPspCidTableEntry) #endif BOOLEAN ValidateThreadsPspCidTableEntry(_In_ PETHREAD Thread) { PAGED_CODE(); NTSTATUS status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; HANDLE thread_id = NULL; PETHREAD thread = NULL; /* * PsGetThreadId simply returns ETHREAD->Cid.UniqueThread */ thread_id = ImpPsGetThreadId(Thread); /* * For each core on the processor, the first x threads equal to x cores will be assigned a * cid equal to its equivalent core. These threads are generally executing the HLT * instruction or some other boring stuff while the processor is not busy. The reason this * is important is because passing in a handle value of 0 which, even though is a valid cid, * returns a non success status meaning we mark it an invalid cid entry even though it is. * To combat this we simply add a little check here. The problem is this can be easily * bypassed by simply modifying the ETHREAD->Cid.UniqueThread identifier.. So while it isnt * a perfect detection method for now it's good enough. */ if ((UINT64)thread_id < (UINT64)ImpKeQueryActiveProcessorCount(NULL)) return TRUE; /* * PsLookupThreadByThreadId will use a threads id to find its cid entry, and return * the pointer contained in the HANDLE_TABLE entry pointing to the thread object. * Meaning if we pass a valid thread id which we retrieved above and dont receive a * STATUS_SUCCESS the cid entry could potentially be removed or disrupted.. */ status = ImpPsLookupThreadByThreadId(thread_id, &thread); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DEBUG_WARNING( "Failed to lookup thread by id. PspCidTable entry potentially removed."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * I did not reverse this myself and previously had no idea how you would go about * detecting KiAttachProcess so credits to KANKOSHEV for the find: * * https://github.com/KANKOSHEV/Detect-KeAttachProcess/tree/main * https://doxygen.reactos.org/d0/dc9/procobj_8c.html#adec6dc539d4a5c0ee7d0f48e24ef0933 * * To expand on his writeup a little, the offset that he provides is equivalent to * PKAPC_STATE->Process. This is where KiAttachProcess writes the process that thread is attaching * to when it's called. The APC_STATE structure holds relevant information about the thread's APC * state and is quite important during context switch scenarios as it's how the thread determines if * it has any APC's queued. */ STATIC VOID DetectAttachedThreadsProcessCallback(_In_ PTHREAD_LIST_ENTRY ThreadListEntry, _Inout_opt_ PVOID Context) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); PKAPC_STATE apc_state = NULL; PEPROCESS protected_process = NULL; GetProtectedProcessEProcess(&protected_process); if (!protected_process) return; apc_state = (PKAPC_STATE)((UINT64)ThreadListEntry->thread + KTHREAD_APC_STATE_OFFSET); /* * Just a sanity check even though it doesnt really make sense for internal threads of our * protected process to attach.. * * todo: this is filterless and will just report anything, need to have a look into what * processes actually attach to real games */ if (apc_state->Process == protected_process) { DEBUG_WARNING("Thread is attached to our protected process: %llx", (UINT64)ThreadListEntry->thread); PATTACH_PROCESS_REPORT report = ImpExAllocatePool2( POOL_FLAG_NON_PAGED, sizeof(ATTACH_PROCESS_REPORT), REPORT_POOL_TAG); if (!report) return; report->report_code = REPORT_ILLEGAL_ATTACH_PROCESS; report->thread_id = ImpPsGetThreadId(ThreadListEntry->thread); report->thread_address = ThreadListEntry->thread; InsertReportToQueue(report); } } VOID DetectThreadsAttachedToProtectedProcess() { PAGED_CODE(); EnumerateThreadListWithCallbackRoutine(DetectAttachedThreadsProcessCallback, NULL); }