2023-12-14 23:52:22 +03:00

185 lines
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extends Node
class_name NodeDB_
## Filepath used for referencing all [DeckNode] Files from.
const BASE_NODE_PATH := "res://classes/deck/nodes/"
## Filepath where an Index of [NodeDB_.NodeDescriptor]s are saved to avoid reloading
## everything each run.
## @experimental
const NODE_INDEX_CACHE_PATH := "user://nodes_index.json"
## Filepath where the the list of Favorite Nodes is stored.
const FAVORITE_NODES_PATH := "user://favorite_nodes.json"
## [Array] used for storing all the "Favorite" Nodes that were set in the [AddNodeMenu]
var favorite_nodes: Array[String]
# Dictionary[node_type, NodeDescriptor]
## [Dictionary] filled with node_type, or [String] keys. Correlating to
## [NodeDB_.NodeDescriptor]'s. Essentially where all the nodes are loaded in for data reference.
var nodes: Dictionary = {}
## Loads in all the [DeckNode]s from [member BASE_NODE_PATH]. Or if a working
## cache exists at [member NODE_INDEX_CACHE_PATH] that takes priority
func _init() -> void:
#if load_node_index():
var dir := DirAccess.open(BASE_NODE_PATH)
var current_file := dir.get_next()
while current_file != "":
if current_file.ends_with(".gd"):
var script_path := BASE_NODE_PATH.path_join(current_file)
var node: DeckNode = load(script_path).new() as DeckNode
var aliases: String = node.aliases.reduce(
func(accum, el) -> void:
accum += el
, "")
var descriptor := NodeDescriptor.new(
nodes[node.node_type] = descriptor
current_file = dir.get_next()
## Helper Function that instances a [DeckNode] based off of it's [member DeckNode.node_type]
func instance_node(type: String) -> DeckNode:
if !nodes.has(type):
return null
return load(nodes[type]["script_path"]).new()
## Handles Saving the Index of all loaded nodes to [member NODE_INDEX_CACHE_PATH]
func save_node_index() -> void:
var d := {}
for node_type in nodes:
var nd: NodeDescriptor = nodes[node_type] as NodeDescriptor
d[node_type] = nd.to_dictionary()
var json := JSON.stringify(d, "\t")
var f := FileAccess.open(NODE_INDEX_CACHE_PATH, FileAccess.WRITE)
## Loads the Node Index from [member NODE_INDEX_CACHE_PATH] adding all of the
## [NodeDB_.NodeDescriptor]s in it to the [member nodes] [Dictionary]
func load_node_index() -> bool:
var f := FileAccess.open(NODE_INDEX_CACHE_PATH, FileAccess.READ)
if f == null:
DeckHolder.logger.log_system("node index file does not exist", Logger.LogType.ERROR)
return false
var data: Dictionary = JSON.parse_string(f.get_as_text()) as Dictionary
if data.is_empty():
DeckHolder.logger.log_system("node index file exists, but is empty", Logger.LogType.ERROR)
return false
for node_type in data:
var nd_dict: Dictionary = data[node_type]
var nd := NodeDescriptor.from_dictionary(nd_dict)
nodes[node_type] = nd
DeckHolder.logger.log_system("node index file exists, loaded")
return true
## Sets a specific [member DeckNode.node_type] to be a "favorite" for use in
## [AddNodeMenu]. Then stores the updated list of favorites at [member FAVORITE_NODES_PATH]
func set_node_favorite(node_type: String, favorite: bool) -> void:
if (favorite && node_type in favorite_nodes) || (!favorite && !(node_type in favorite_nodes)):
if favorite:
var f := FileAccess.open(FAVORITE_NODES_PATH, FileAccess.WRITE)
f.store_string(JSON.stringify(favorite_nodes, "\t"))
## Loads the list of Favorite [memeber DeckNode.node_type]s from [member FAVORITE_NODES_PATH]
func load_favorites() -> void:
var f := FileAccess.open(FAVORITE_NODES_PATH, FileAccess.READ)
if !f:
var data: Array = JSON.parse_string(f.get_as_text())
## Returns [code]true[/code] if the specified [member DeckNode.node_type] is marked Favorite
## by the user.
func is_node_favorite(node_type: String) -> bool:
return node_type in favorite_nodes
## Used for storing the shorthand data of a [DeckNode].
## Allows for more simply storing [DeckNode]s properties without needing to
## keep an instance
class NodeDescriptor:
## Default Name of the [DeckNode] type this is storing properties of.
var name: String
## The [member DeckNode.node_type] of the [DeckNode] this is based off of.
var type: String
## The description of the [DeckNode] reference [member DeckNode.description]
var description: String
## The description of the [DeckNode] reference [member DeckNode.aliases]
var aliases: String
## The description of the [DeckNode] reference [member DeckNode.category]
var category: String
## The description of the [DeckNode] reference [member DeckNode.appears_in_search]
var appears_in_search: bool
## Stores the path to this nodes [Script] in res:// for later instantiation.
var script_path: String
func _init(
p_script_path: String,
p_name: String,
p_type: String,
p_description: String,
p_aliases: String,
p_category: String,
p_appears_in_search: bool,
) -> void:
script_path = p_script_path
name = p_name
type = p_type
description = p_description
aliases = p_aliases
category = p_category
appears_in_search = p_appears_in_search
## Converts all the properties in this [NodeDB_.NodeDescriptor] to a [Dictionary]. Format - {propery : value}
func to_dictionary() -> Dictionary:
var d := {
"name": name,
"type": type,
"description": description,
"aliases": aliases,
"script_path": script_path,
"category": category,
"appears_in_search": appears_in_search,
return d
## Creates a [NodeDB_.NodeDescriptor] from a given [Dictionary] of properties.
static func from_dictionary(data: Dictionary) -> NodeDescriptor:
var nd := NodeDescriptor.new(
data.get("script_path", ""),
data.get("name", ""),
data.get("type", ""),
data.get("description", ""),
data.get("aliases", ""),
data.get("category", ""),
data.get("appears_in_search", false),
return nd