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synced 2024-11-13 19:49:55 +01:00
After months of work and over a hundred commits on this repo alone (not to mention the old, half-working repos on GitHub), StreamGraph is finally ready to be shown to the public, even if in an incomplete state. This PR is a culmination of numerous design discussions, re-writes, and hours spent by both @Eroax and myself. Reviewed-on: https://codeberg.org/Eroax/StreamGraph/pulls/18 Co-authored-by: Lera Elvoé <yagich@poto.cafe> Co-committed-by: Lera Elvoé <yagich@poto.cafe>
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extends Node
class_name Twitch_Connection
## Handler for a Connection to a Single Twitch Account
## Used for getting authentication and handling websocket connections.
signal token_received(token : String)
@export var client_id := "qyjg1mtby1ycs5scm1pvctos7yvyc1"
@export var redirect_uri := "http://localhost"
## Port that the redirect_uri will head to on your local system. Defaults to 80 for most cases. Linux tends to prefer 8000 or possibly 1338
@export var redirect_port := "8000"
var twitch_url := "https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&"
var auth_server : TCPServer
## Websocket used for handling the chat connection.
var chat_socket = preload("res://addons/no_twitch/chat_socket.gd").new()
var state := make_state()
var token : String
func _ready():
## Handles the basic Twitch Authentication process to request and then later receive a Token (using [method check_auth_peer])
func authenticate_with_twitch(client_id = client_id):
auth_server = TCPServer.new()
## Sets up a single chat connection. Joining 1 room with [param token] as it's "PASS" specifying what account it's on. And the optional [param default_chat] specifying the default room to join. While [param nick] specifies the "nickname" (Not the username on Twitch)
func setup_chat_connection(default_chat : String = "", token : String = token, request_twitch_info = true, nick = "terribletwitch"):
# Temporary, closes the socket to allow connecting multiple times without needing to reset.
# Connects to the Twitch IRC server.
chat_socket.connect_to_chat(token, request_twitch_info)
await chat_socket.socket_open
if !default_chat.is_empty():
## Joins the given [param channel] over IRC. Essentially just sending JOIN #[param channel]
func join_channel(channel : String):
func send_chat(msg : String, channel : String = ""):
chat_socket.send_chat(msg, channel)
func _process(delta):
if auth_server and auth_server.is_listening() and auth_server.is_connection_available():
if chat_socket:
## Utility function for creating a Twitch Authentication URL with the given
## [param scopes], Twitch Client ID ([param id]) and [param redirect_uri].
## [param id] defaults to [member client_id] and both [param redirect] and
## [param redirect_port]
func create_auth_url(scopes : Array[String] = ["chat:read", "chat:edit"], port := redirect_port, id : String = client_id, redirect : String = redirect_uri):
var str_scopes : String
for all in scopes:
str_scopes += " " + all
str_scopes = str_scopes.strip_edges()
var full_redirect_uri := redirect
if !port.is_empty():
full_redirect_uri += ":" + port
var url = twitch_url + "client_id=" + id + "&redirect_uri=" + full_redirect_uri + "&scope=" + str_scopes + "&state=" + str(state)
return url
## Utility function for creating a "state" used for different requests for some extra security as a semi password.
func make_state(len : int = 16) -> String:
var crypto = Crypto.new()
var state = crypto.generate_random_bytes(len).hex_encode()
return state
func check_auth_peer(peer : StreamPeerTCP):
var info = peer.get_utf8_string(peer.get_available_bytes())
var root := redirect_uri
if !redirect_port.is_empty():
root += ":" + redirect_port
root += "/"
var script = "<script>fetch('" + root + "' + window.location.hash.substr(1))</script>"
peer.put_data(str("HTTP/1.1 200\n\n" + script).to_utf8_buffer())
var resp_state = info.split("&state=")
# Ensures that the received state is correct.
if !resp_state.size() > 1 or resp_state[0] == state:
var token = info.split("access_token=")[1].split("&scope=")[0].strip_edges()
printraw("Token: ", token, "\n")
self.token = token
func check_chat_socket(dict):
prints(dict.user, dict.message)