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synced 2024-11-13 19:49:55 +01:00
Reviewed-on: https://codeberg.org/StreamGraph/StreamGraph/pulls/167 Co-authored-by: Lera Elvoé <yagich@poto.cafe> Co-committed-by: Lera Elvoé <yagich@poto.cafe>
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# (c) 2023-present Eroax
# (c) 2023-present Yagich
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
extends Object
class_name Deck
## A deck/graph with nodes.
## A container for [DeckNode]s, managing connections between them.
## The [DeckNode]s that belong to this deck. The key is the node's id, the value
## is the [DeckNode] instance.
var nodes: Dictionary
## A map of variables set on this deck.
var variable_stack: Dictionary = {}
## The path to save this deck on the file system.
var save_path: String = ""
## The connections graph.
var connections := NodeConnections.new()
## Whether this deck is a group instance.
var is_group: bool = false
## Whether this deck is a library. Implies [member is_group].
var is_library: bool = false
var group_descriptors := GroupDescriptors.new()
#region library group props
## The initial name of the library. Displayed by the group node and [SearchProvider].
var lib_name: String
## The description of this library, shown to the user by a renderer.
var lib_description: String
## A list of aliases for this library, used by search.
var lib_aliases: Array[String]
## List of groups belonging to this deck, in the format of[br]
## [code]Dictionary[String -> Deck.id, Deck][/code]
#var groups: Dictionary = {}
## A unique identifier for this deck, or an ID for the group this deck represents.
var id: String = ""
## If this is a group, this is the local ID of this instance of the group.
var instance_id: String = ""
## The parent deck of this deck, if this is a group.
var _belonging_to: String = "" # for groups
## The ID of this group's input node. Used only if [member is_group] is [code]true[/code].
var group_input_node: String
## The ID of this group's input node. Used only if [member is_group] is [code]true[/code].
var group_output_node: String
var emit_group_signals: bool = true
var emit_node_added_signal: bool = true
## Emitted when a node has been added to this deck.
signal node_added(node: DeckNode)
## Emitted when a node has been removed from this deck.
signal node_removed(node: DeckNode)
## Emitted when nodes have been connected.
signal nodes_connected(from_node_id: String, to_node_id: String, from_output_port: int, to_input_port: int)
## Emitted when nodes have been disconnected.
signal nodes_disconnected(from_node_id: String, to_node_id: String, from_output_port: int, to_input_port: int)
## Emitted when the [member variable_stack] has been modified.
signal variables_updated()
## Emitted when a node has been moved to a different deck.
signal node_moved_to_deck(node: DeckNode, other: Deck)
#region group signals
signal node_added_to_group(node: DeckNode, assign_id: String, assign_to_self: bool, deck: Deck)
signal node_removed_from_group(node_id: String, remove_connections: bool, deck: Deck)
signal node_port_value_updated(node_id: String, port_idx: int, new_value: Variant, deck: Deck)
signal node_ports_updated(node_id: String, deck: Deck)
signal node_renamed(node_id: String, new_name: String, deck: Deck)
signal node_moved(node_id: String, new_position: Dictionary, deck: Deck)
func _init() -> void:
group_descriptors.deck = self
## Instantiate a node by its' [member DeckNode.node_type] and add it to this deck.[br]
## See [method add_node_inst] for parameter descriptions.
func add_node_type(type: String, assign_id: String = "", assign_to_self: bool = true) -> DeckNode:
var node_inst: DeckNode = NodeDB.instance_node(type)
return add_node_inst(node_inst, assign_id, assign_to_self)
## Add a [DeckNode] instance to this deck.[br]
## If [param assign_id] is empty, the node will get its' ID (re-)assigned.
## Otherwise, it will be assigned to be that value.[br]
## If [param assign_to_self] is [code]true[/code], the node's
## [member DeckNode._belonging_to] property will be set to [code]self[/code].[br]
## Returns [code]null[/code] if the node cannot be insantiated.
func add_node_inst(node: DeckNode, assign_id: String = "", assign_to_self: bool = true) -> DeckNode:
if node.node_type == "group_input" and not group_input_node.is_empty():
DeckHolder.logger.toast_error("Cannot add group input node, one already exists!")
return null
if node.node_type == "group_output" and not group_output_node.is_empty():
DeckHolder.logger.toast_error("Cannot add group output node, one already exists!")
return null
if assign_to_self:
node._belonging_to = self
#node._belonging_to_instance = instance_id
if assign_id == "":
var uuid := UUID.v4()
nodes[uuid] = node
node._id = uuid
nodes[assign_id] = node
node._id = assign_id
if node.node_type == "group_input":
group_input_node = node._id
group_input_node = ""
if node.node_type == "group_output":
group_output_node = node._id
group_output_node = ""
if emit_node_added_signal:
if is_group and emit_group_signals:
node_added_to_group.emit(node, node._id, assign_to_self, self)
func(port_idx: int, new_value: Variant):
if is_group and emit_group_signals:
node_port_value_updated.emit(node._id, port_idx, new_value, self)
func(new_name: String):
if is_group and emit_group_signals:
node_renamed.emit(node._id, new_name, self)
func(new_position: Dictionary):
if is_group and emit_group_signals:
node_moved.emit(node._id, new_position, self)
if is_group and emit_group_signals:
node_ports_updated.emit(node._id, self)
print_verbose("Deck %s::%s: added node %s, id %s" % [id, instance_id, node.node_type, node.get_instance_id()])
return node
func add_lib_group_node(type: String) -> DeckNode:
var group_node := add_node_type("group_node")
var lib := DeckHolder.add_lib_instance(type, id)
group_node.is_library = true
group_node.group_id = lib.id
group_node.group_instance_id = lib.instance_id
for node_id: String in lib.nodes:
var node := lib.get_node(node_id)
if node.node_type == "group_input":
group_node.input_node = node
group_node.input_node_id = node._id
node.group_node = group_node
lib.group_input_node = node._id
if node.node_type == "group_output":
group_node.output_node = node
group_node.output_node_id = node._id
node.group_node = group_node
lib.group_output_node = node._id
return group_node
## Get a node belonging to this deck by its' ID.
func get_node(uuid: String) -> DeckNode:
return nodes.get(uuid)
func get_connections_dict() -> Dictionary:
return connections.data
## Returns [code]true[/code] if the connection between two nodes is legal.
func is_valid_connection(from_node_id: String, to_node_id: String, from_output_port: int, to_input_port: int) -> bool:
# do not connect to self
if from_node_id == to_node_id:
return false
var from_node := get_node(from_node_id)
var to_node := get_node(to_node_id)
var usage_from: Port.UsageType = from_node.get_output_ports()[from_output_port].usage_type
var usage_to: Port.UsageType = to_node.get_input_ports()[to_input_port].usage_type
# incompatible usages
if (usage_from != Port.UsageType.BOTH) and (usage_to != Port.UsageType.BOTH):
if usage_from != usage_to:
return false
var type_from: DeckType.Types = from_node.get_output_ports()[from_output_port].type
var type_to: DeckType.Types = to_node.get_input_ports()[to_input_port].type
# incompatible types
if not DeckType.can_convert(type_from, type_to):
return false
# duplicate connection
if connections.has_outgoing_connection_exact(from_node_id, from_output_port, to_node_id, to_input_port):
return false
return true
## Attempt to connect two nodes. Returns [code]true[/code] if the connection succeeded.
func connect_nodes(from_node_id: String, to_node_id: String, from_output_port: int, to_input_port: int) -> bool:
if not is_valid_connection(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port):
return false
var from_node := get_node(from_node_id)
var to_node := get_node(to_node_id)
if connections.has_incoming_connection(to_node_id, to_input_port):
var connection := connections.get_incoming_connection(to_node_id, to_input_port)
disconnect_nodes(connection.from_node, to_node_id, connection.from_port, to_input_port)
connections.add_connection(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port)
nodes_connected.emit(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port)
return true
## Remove a connection from two nodes.
func disconnect_nodes(from_node_id: String, to_node_id: String, from_output_port: int, to_input_port: int) -> void:
connections.remove_connection(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port)
nodes_disconnected.emit(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port)
var from_node := get_node(from_node_id)
var to_node := get_node(to_node_id)
func disconnect_pair(pair: ConnectionPair) -> void:
var from_node_id := pair.incoming.from_node
var to_node_id := pair.outgoing.to_node
var from_output_port := pair.incoming.from_port
var to_input_port := pair.outgoing.to_port
connections.remove_connection(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port)
nodes_disconnected.emit(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port)
var from_node := get_node(from_node_id)
var to_node := get_node(to_node_id)
## Returns true if this deck has no nodes and no variables.
func is_empty() -> bool:
return nodes.is_empty() and variable_stack.is_empty()
## Remove a node from this deck.
func remove_node(uuid: String, remove_connections: bool = false, force: bool = false, keep_group_instances: bool = false) -> void:
var node := get_node(uuid)
if node == null:
if not node.user_can_delete and not force:
if node.node_type == "group_node" and not keep_group_instances:
DeckHolder.close_group_instance(node.group_id, node.group_instance_id)
if remove_connections:
# var outgoing_connections := connections.get_all_outgoing_connections(uuid)
# for from_port: int in outgoing_connections.keys():
# for outgoing: OutgoingConnection in outgoing_connections[from_port]:
# var incoming := outgoing.counterpart.get_ref() as IncomingConnection
# disconnect_nodes(uuid, outgoing.to_node, incoming.from_port, outgoing.to_port)
# var incoming_connections := connections.get_all_incoming_connections(uuid)
# for to_port: int in incoming_connections.keys():
# var incoming := connections.get_incoming_connection(uuid, to_port)
# disconnect_nodes(incoming.from_node, uuid, incoming.from_port, to_port)
var pairs := connections.get_node_pairs(uuid)
for pair in pairs:
if is_group and emit_group_signals:
node_removed_from_group.emit(uuid, remove_connections, self)
print_verbose("Deck %s::%s: freeing node %s, id %s" % [id, instance_id, node.node_type, node.get_instance_id()])
func pre_exit_cleanup() -> void:
for node_id: String in nodes:
var node := get_node(node_id)
print_verbose("Deck %s::%s: freeing node %s, id %s" % [id, instance_id, node.node_type, node.get_instance_id()])
## Set a variable on this deck.
func set_variable(var_name: String, value: Variant) -> void:
variable_stack[var_name] = value
func update_variable(old_name: String, new_name: String, new_value: Variant) -> void:
variable_stack[new_name] = new_value
func remove_variable(name: String) -> void:
## Group the [param nodes_to_group] into a new deck and return it.
## Returns [code]null[/code] on failure.[br]
## Adds a group node to this deck, and adds group input and output nodes in the group.
func group_nodes(nodes_to_group: Array) -> Deck:
if nodes_to_group.is_empty():
return null
# don't include nodes that can't be grouped/deleted
nodes_to_group = nodes_to_group.filter(
func(x: DeckNode):
return x.user_can_delete
var node_ids_to_keep := nodes_to_group.map(
func(x: DeckNode):
return x._id
var group := DeckHolder.add_empty_group(id)
var connection_pairs := connections.filter_pairs(node_ids_to_keep)
for pair in connection_pairs:
var midpoint := Vector2()
var rightmost := -INF
var leftmost := INF
for node: DeckNode in nodes_to_group:
if node.position.x > rightmost:
rightmost = node.position.x
if node.position.x < leftmost:
leftmost = node.position.x
var pairs := connections.get_node_pairs(node._id)
for pair in pairs:
midpoint += node.position_as_vector2()
# remove_node(node._id, false, true)
# group.add_node_inst(node, node._id)
move_node_to_deck(node, group)
midpoint /= nodes_to_group.size()
emit_node_added_signal = false
var _group_node := add_node_type("group_node")
_group_node.group_id = group.id
_group_node.group_instance_id = group.instance_id
_group_node.position.x = midpoint.x
_group_node.position.y = midpoint.y
#group.group_node = _group_node._id
emit_node_added_signal = true
var input_node := group.add_node_type("group_input")
var output_node := group.add_node_type("group_output")
group.group_input_node = input_node._id
group.group_output_node = output_node._id
input_node.position.x = leftmost - 350
output_node.position.x = rightmost + 350
input_node.position.y = midpoint.y
output_node.position.y = midpoint.y
input_node.group_node = _group_node
output_node.group_node = _group_node
_group_node.input_node_id = input_node._id
_group_node.output_node_id = output_node._id
return group
func move_node_to_deck(node: DeckNode, other: Deck) -> void:
if not node._id in nodes:
other.nodes[node._id] = node
# node_moved_to_deck.emit(node, other)
node._belonging_to = other
if is_group and emit_group_signals:
node_removed_from_group.emit(node._id, false, self)
if other.is_group and other.emit_group_signals:
node_added_to_group.emit(node, node._id, true, other)
func copy_nodes(nodes_to_copy: Array[String]) -> Dictionary:
var d := {
"nodes": {},
"connections": connections.filter_pairs(nodes_to_copy),
for node_id: String in nodes_to_copy:
d.nodes[node_id] = get_node(node_id).to_dict()
for node: Dictionary in d.nodes.values().slice(1):
node.position.x = node.position.x - d.nodes.values()[0].position.x
node.position.y = node.position.y - d.nodes.values()[0].position.y
d.nodes.values()[0].position.x = 0
d.nodes.values()[0].position.y = 0
return d
func copy_nodes_json(nodes_to_copy: Array[String]) -> String:
var res := copy_nodes(nodes_to_copy)
res.connections = res.connections.map(
func(x: ConnectionPair):
return x.to_dict()
return JSON.stringify(res)
func allocate_ids(count: int) -> Array[String]:
var res: Array[String] = []
for i in count:
return res
func paste_nodes_from_dict(nodes_to_paste: Dictionary, position: Vector2 = Vector2()) -> void:
if not nodes_to_paste.get("nodes"):
var pairs = (nodes_to_paste.connections as Array).map(
func(x: Dictionary):
return ConnectionPair.from_dict(x)
var new_ids := allocate_ids(nodes_to_paste.nodes.size())
var ids_map := {}
for i: int in nodes_to_paste.nodes.keys().size():
var node_id: String = nodes_to_paste.nodes.keys()[i]
ids_map[node_id] = new_ids[i]
for old_id: String in ids_map:
for pair: ConnectionPair in pairs:
pair.remap_id(old_id, ids_map[old_id])
for pair: ConnectionPair in pairs:
for node_id: String in nodes_to_paste.nodes:
nodes_to_paste.nodes[node_id]._id = ids_map[node_id]
nodes_to_paste.nodes[node_id].position.x += position.x
nodes_to_paste.nodes[node_id].position.y += position.y
var node := DeckNode.from_dict(nodes_to_paste.nodes[node_id])
var group_needs_unique := false
if node.node_type == "group_node":
if not node.is_library:
var group := DeckHolder.make_new_group_instance(node.group_id, id)
var old_group := DeckHolder.get_group_instance(node.group_id, node.group_instance_id)
group_needs_unique = old_group._belonging_to != id
node.group_instance_id = group.instance_id
group.get_node(group.group_input_node).group_node = node
group.get_node(group.group_output_node).group_node = node
node.input_node = group.get_node(group.group_input_node)
node.output_node = group.get_node(group.group_output_node)
var type: String = node.group_id.get_file().trim_suffix(".deck")
var lib := DeckHolder.add_lib_instance(type, id)
node.group_instance_id = lib.instance_id
for l_node_id: String in lib.nodes:
var l_node := lib.get_node(l_node_id)
if l_node.node_type == "group_input":
node.input_node = l_node
node.input_node_id = l_node._id
l_node.group_node = node
lib.group_input_node = l_node_id
if l_node.node_type == "group_output":
node.output_node = l_node
node.output_node_id = l_node._id
l_node.group_node = node
lib.group_output_node = l_node_id
add_node_inst(node, ids_map[node_id])
if group_needs_unique:
DeckHolder.logger.toast_warn("Group was made unique.")
func paste_nodes_from_json(json: String, position: Vector2 = Vector2()) -> void:
var d = JSON.parse_string(json)
if not d:
DeckHolder.logger.toast_error("Paste failed.")
paste_nodes_from_dict(d, position)
func duplicate_nodes(nodes_to_copy: Array[String]) -> void:
if nodes_to_copy.is_empty():
var position := get_node(nodes_to_copy[0]).position_as_vector2() + Vector2(50, 50)
var d := copy_nodes(nodes_to_copy)
paste_nodes_from_dict(d, position)
## Send [param data] from [param from_node_id] to all outgoing connections on port [param from_output_port].[br]
## See [method DeckNode.send].
func send(from_node_id: String, from_output_port: int, data: Variant, send_id: String) -> void:
var outgoing_connections := connections.get_outgoing_connections(from_node_id, from_output_port)
for connection in outgoing_connections:
var node := get_node(connection.to_node)
node.handle_receive(connection.to_port, data, send_id)
## Asynchronously request a value from an incoming connection on the node at [param node_id]'s input port at [param on_input_port].
## Returns [code]null[/code] if no incoming connection exists on that port.
## The connected node may also return [code]null[/code].[br]
## See [method DeckNode.request_value_async].
func request_value_async(node_id: String, on_input_port: int) -> Variant:
var connection := connections.get_incoming_connection(node_id, on_input_port)
if connection == null:
return null
var other_node := get_node(connection.from_node)
return await other_node._value_request(connection.from_port)
func send_event(event_name: StringName, event_data: Dictionary = {}) -> void:
for node: DeckNode in nodes.values():
node._event_received(event_name, event_data)
func get_referenced_groups() -> Array[String]:
# this is expensive
# recursively returns a list of all groups referenced by this deck
var res: Array[String] = []
for node_id: String in nodes:
var node := get_node(node_id)
if node.node_type == "group_node" and not node.is_library:
return res
func get_referenced_group_instances() -> Array[Dictionary]:
var res: Array[Dictionary] = []
for node_id: String in nodes:
var node := get_node(node_id)
if node.node_type == "group_node" and not node.is_library:
"group_id": node.group_id,
"instance_id": node.group_instance_id,
"parent_id": node._belonging_to,
"group_node": node_id,
res.append_array(DeckHolder.get_group_instance(node.group_id, node.group_instance_id).get_referenced_group_instances())
return res
func _to_string() -> String:
if not is_group:
return "DeckNode:%s" % id
return "DeckNode:%s::%s" % [id, instance_id]
## Returns a [Dictionary] representation of this deck.
func to_dict(with_meta: bool = true, group_ids: Array = []) -> Dictionary:
var inner := {
"nodes": {},
"variable_stack": variable_stack,
"id": id,
"groups": {},
"connections": connections.to_dict(),
if not group_descriptors.is_empty():
inner["group_descriptors"] = group_descriptors.to_dict()
for node_id: String in nodes.keys():
inner["nodes"][node_id] = nodes[node_id].to_dict(with_meta)
if get_node(node_id).node_type == "group_node" and not get_node(node_id).is_library:
if nodes[node_id].group_id not in group_ids:
inner["groups"][nodes[node_id].group_id] = DeckHolder.get_deck(nodes[node_id].group_id).to_dict(with_meta, group_ids)
#for group_id in groups.keys():
#inner["groups"][group_id] = groups[group_id].to_dict(with_meta)
if is_group:
inner["instance_id"] = instance_id
inner["group_input_node"] = group_input_node
inner["group_output_node"] = group_output_node
# don't save library stuff if this is not a library
if not lib_name.is_empty():
var lib := {
"lib_name": lib_name,
"lib_description": lib_description,
"lib_aliases": lib_aliases,
inner["library"] = lib
var d := {"deck": inner}
if with_meta:
d["meta"] = {}
for meta in get_meta_list():
d["meta"][meta] = var_to_str(get_meta(meta))
return d
## Create a new deck from a [Dictionary] representation, such as one created by [method to_dict].
static func from_dict(data: Dictionary, path: String = "") -> Deck:
var deck := Deck.new()
deck.save_path = path
deck.variable_stack = data.deck.variable_stack
deck.id = data.deck.id
deck.connections = NodeConnections.from_dict(data.deck.connections)
if data.deck.has("library"):
var lib_data: Dictionary = data.deck.library
deck.lib_name = lib_data.get("lib_name", "")
deck.lib_description = lib_data.get("lib_description", "")
# deck.lib_aliases = lib_data.get("lib_aliases", [])
if data.deck.has("group_descriptors"):
deck.group_descriptors = GroupDescriptors.from_dict(data.deck.group_descriptors)
deck.group_descriptors.deck = deck
for key in data.meta:
deck.set_meta(key, str_to_var(data.meta[key]))
var nodes_data: Dictionary = data.deck.nodes as Dictionary
for node_id in nodes_data:
var node := DeckNode.from_dict(nodes_data[node_id], deck.connections)
deck.add_node_inst(node, node_id)
var groups_data: Dictionary = data.deck.groups as Dictionary
for node_id: String in deck.nodes:
var node := deck.get_node(node_id)
if node.node_type != "group_node":
var group_id: String = node.group_id
var group_instance_id: String = node.group_instance_id
var group: Deck
if not node.is_library:
var group_data: Dictionary = groups_data[group_id]
group = DeckHolder.add_group_from_dict(group_data, group_id, group_instance_id, deck.id)
group = DeckHolder.add_lib_instance(
if not node.input_node_id.is_empty():
group.get_node(node.input_node_id).group_node = node
if not node.output_node_id.is_empty():
group.get_node(node.output_node_id).group_node = node
return deck
class NodeConnections:
# Dictionary[String -> node id, Dictionary["incoming": Dictionary[int -> input port idx, IncomingConnection], "outgoing": Dictionary[int - > output port idx, Array[OutgoingConnection]]]
var data := {}
func add_connection(from_node_id: String, to_node_id: String, from_output_port: int, to_input_port: int) -> void:
var from_connection: Dictionary = data.get(from_node_id, _create_empty_connection())
var to_connection: Dictionary = data.get(to_node_id, _create_empty_connection())
var pair := ConnectionPair.new(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port)
var out_list: Array = (from_connection.outgoing as Dictionary).get(from_output_port, [])
(from_connection.outgoing as Dictionary)[from_output_port] = out_list
(to_connection.incoming as Dictionary)[to_input_port] = pair.incoming
data[from_node_id] = from_connection
data[to_node_id] = to_connection
func remove_connection(from_node_id: String, to_node_id: String, from_output_port: int, to_input_port: int) -> void:
var from_connection: Dictionary = data.get(from_node_id, {})
if from_connection.is_empty():
var out_list: Array = (from_connection.outgoing as Dictionary).get(from_output_port, [])
if out_list.is_empty():
var comp := ConnectionPair.new(from_node_id, to_node_id, from_output_port, to_input_port)
for i in out_list.size():
var out: OutgoingConnection = out_list[i]
var pair := ConnectionPair.from_outgoing(out)
if pair.is_equivalent(comp):
var to_connection: Dictionary = data.get(to_node_id).incoming
# remove if empty
if data[from_node_id] == _create_empty_connection():
if data[to_node_id] == _create_empty_connection():
if (data[from_node_id].outgoing[from_output_port] as Array).is_empty():
(data[from_node_id].outgoing as Dictionary).erase(from_output_port)
func has_incoming_connection(node_id: String, on_port: int) -> bool:
return data.get(node_id, _create_empty_connection()).incoming.has(on_port)
func get_incoming_connection(node_id: String, on_port: int) -> IncomingConnection:
return data.get(node_id, _create_empty_connection()).incoming.get(on_port)
func has_outgoing_connection_exact(node_id: String, from_port: int, to_node: String, to_port: int) -> bool:
if not data.get(node_id, _create_empty_connection()).outgoing.has(from_port):
return false
var has = false
for connection: OutgoingConnection in data.get(node_id, _create_empty_connection()).outgoing.get(from_port):
var inc := connection.counterpart.get_ref() as IncomingConnection
if connection.to_node == to_node \
and connection.to_port == to_port\
and inc.from_port == from_port:
has = true
return has
func get_outgoing_connections(node_id: String, from_port: int) -> Array[OutgoingConnection]:
if data.get(node_id, _create_empty_connection()).outgoing.is_empty():
return []
if not (data[node_id].outgoing as Dictionary).has(from_port):
return []
var res: Array[OutgoingConnection] = []
return res
func get_all_outgoing_connections(node_id: String) -> Dictionary:
return data.get(node_id, _create_empty_connection()).outgoing
func get_all_incoming_connections(node_id: String) -> Dictionary:
return data.get(node_id, _create_empty_connection()).incoming
func filter_pairs(nodes: Array) -> Array[ConnectionPair]:
var res: Array[ConnectionPair] = []
for node_id: String in nodes:
var connections: Dictionary = data.get(node_id, _create_empty_connection())
for to_port: int in connections.outgoing:
for outgoing: OutgoingConnection in connections.outgoing[to_port]:
if outgoing.to_node in nodes:
return res
func get_node_pairs(node: String) -> Array[ConnectionPair]:
var res: Array[ConnectionPair] = []
var connections: Dictionary = data.get(node, _create_empty_connection())
for to_port: int in connections.outgoing:
for outgoing: OutgoingConnection in connections.outgoing[to_port]:
for from_port: int in connections.incoming:
return res
func add_pair(pair: ConnectionPair) -> void:
var outgoing := pair.outgoing
var incoming := pair.incoming
add_connection(incoming.from_node, outgoing.to_node, incoming.from_port, outgoing.to_port)
func remove_pair(pair: ConnectionPair) -> void:
var outgoing := pair.outgoing
var incoming := pair.incoming
remove_connection(incoming.from_node, outgoing.to_node, incoming.from_port, outgoing.to_port)
func _create_empty_connection() -> Dictionary:
return {
"incoming": {},
"outgoing": {},
func to_dict() -> Dictionary:
var res := {}
for node_id: String in data:
res[node_id] = _create_empty_connection()
for to_port: int in data[node_id].incoming:
res[node_id].incoming[to_port] = (data[node_id].incoming[to_port] as IncomingConnection).to_dict()
for from_port: int in data[node_id].outgoing:
for i: OutgoingConnection in data[node_id].outgoing[from_port]:
var arr: Array = res[node_id].outgoing.get(from_port, [])
res[node_id].outgoing[from_port] = arr
return res
static func from_dict(d: Dictionary) -> NodeConnections:
var res := NodeConnections.new()
for node_id: String in d:
for from_port in d[node_id].outgoing:
for connection: Dictionary in d[node_id].outgoing[from_port]:
res.add_connection(node_id, connection.to_node, int(from_port), int(connection.to_port))
return res
class ConnectionPair:
var from_node_id: String
var to_node_id: String
var from_output_port: int
var to_input_port: int
var incoming: IncomingConnection
var outgoing: OutgoingConnection
func _init(
p_from_node_id: String,
p_to_node_id: String,
p_from_output_port: int,
p_to_input_port: int,
p_outgoing: OutgoingConnection = null,
p_incoming: IncomingConnection = null
) -> void:
from_node_id = p_from_node_id
to_node_id = p_to_node_id
from_output_port = p_from_output_port
to_input_port = p_to_input_port
if not p_outgoing:
outgoing = OutgoingConnection.new()
outgoing.to_node = to_node_id
outgoing.to_port = to_input_port
incoming = IncomingConnection.new()
incoming.from_port = from_output_port
incoming.from_node = from_node_id
incoming.counterpart = weakref(outgoing)
outgoing.counterpart = weakref(incoming)
outgoing = p_outgoing
incoming = p_incoming
func remap_id(old_id: String, new_id: String) -> void:
if old_id == from_node_id:
from_node_id = new_id
incoming.from_node = new_id
elif old_id == to_node_id:
to_node_id = new_id
outgoing.to_node = new_id
func is_equivalent(other: ConnectionPair) -> bool:
if from_node_id == other.from_node_id and \
to_node_id == other.to_node_id and \
from_output_port == other.from_output_port and \
to_input_port == other.to_input_port:
return true
return false
func to_dict() -> Dictionary:
return {
"incoming": incoming.to_dict(),
"outgoing": outgoing.to_dict(),
static func from_incoming(p_incoming: IncomingConnection) -> ConnectionPair:
var outgoing := p_incoming.counterpart.get_ref() as OutgoingConnection
return ConnectionPair.new(
p_incoming.from_node, outgoing.to_node,
p_incoming.from_port, outgoing.to_port,
outgoing, p_incoming
static func from_outgoing(p_outgoing: OutgoingConnection) -> ConnectionPair:
var incoming := p_outgoing.counterpart.get_ref() as IncomingConnection
return ConnectionPair.new(
incoming.from_node, p_outgoing.to_node,
incoming.from_port, p_outgoing.to_port,
p_outgoing, incoming
static func from_dict(d: Dictionary) -> ConnectionPair:
var outgoing := OutgoingConnection.new()
outgoing.to_node = d.outgoing.to_node
outgoing.to_port = d.outgoing.to_port
var incoming := IncomingConnection.new()
incoming.from_node = d.incoming.from_node
incoming.from_port = d.incoming.from_port
outgoing.counterpart = weakref(incoming)
incoming.counterpart = weakref(outgoing)
return from_incoming(incoming)
class IncomingConnection:
var from_node: String
var from_port: int
var counterpart: WeakRef # OutgoingConnection
func _to_string() -> String:
return str({"from_node": from_node, "from_port": from_port})
func to_dict() -> Dictionary:
return {"from_node": from_node, "from_port": from_port}
class OutgoingConnection:
var to_node: String
var to_port: int
var counterpart: WeakRef # IncomingConnection
func _to_string() -> String:
return str({"to_node": to_node, "to_port": to_port})
func to_dict() -> Dictionary:
return {"to_node": to_node, "to_port": to_port}
class GroupDescriptors:
var input_ports: Dictionary = {} # Dictionary[int -> input port idx, GroupPort]
var output_ports: Dictionary = {} # Dictionary[int -> output port idx, GroupPort]
var deck: Deck
func is_empty() -> bool:
if input_ports.is_empty() and output_ports.is_empty():
return true
var test := func(e: GroupPort) -> bool:
return not e.is_empty()
var has_inputs = input_ports.values().any(test)
var has_outputs = output_ports.values().any(test)
if has_inputs or has_outputs:
return false
return true
func _on_input_updated(port_idx: int) -> void:
var node := deck.get_node(deck.group_input_node)
var port := node.get_output_ports()[port_idx]
var port_override := get_input_port(port_idx)
if port_override.label.is_empty():
port.label = "Input %s" % port_idx
port.label = port_override.label
port.type = port_override.type
port.descriptor = port_override.descriptor
port.usage_type = port_override.usage_type
func _on_output_updated(port_idx: int) -> void:
var node := deck.get_node(deck.group_output_node)
var port := node.get_input_ports()[port_idx]
var port_override := get_output_port(port_idx)
if port_override.label.is_empty():
port.label = "Output %s" % port_idx
port.label = port_override.label
port.type = port_override.type
port.descriptor = port_override.descriptor
port.usage_type = port_override.usage_type
func _get_or_create_input(port_idx: int) -> GroupPort:
var res := input_ports.get(port_idx, null) as GroupPort
if res == null:
var gr := GroupPort.new()
input_ports[port_idx] = gr
res = gr
Util.safe_connect(res.updated, _on_input_updated.bind(port_idx))
return res
func _get_or_create_output(port_idx: int) -> GroupPort:
var res := output_ports.get(port_idx, null) as GroupPort
if res == null:
var gr := GroupPort.new()
output_ports[port_idx] = gr
res = gr
Util.safe_connect(res.updated, _on_output_updated.bind(port_idx))
return res
func get_input_port(port_idx: int) -> GroupPort:
return _get_or_create_input(port_idx)
func get_output_port(port_idx: int) -> GroupPort:
return _get_or_create_output(port_idx)
func to_dict() -> Dictionary:
var res := {
"input_ports": {},
"output_ports": {},
for port_idx: int in input_ports:
var gp := input_ports[port_idx] as GroupPort
if gp.is_empty():
res["input_ports"][port_idx] = gp.to_dict()
for port_idx: int in output_ports:
var gp := output_ports[port_idx] as GroupPort
if gp.is_empty():
res["output_ports"][port_idx] = gp.to_dict()
return res
static func from_dict(d: Dictionary) -> GroupDescriptors:
var res := GroupDescriptors.new()
for port_idx in d.input_ports:
res.input_ports[int(port_idx)] = GroupPort.from_dict(d.input_ports[port_idx])
for port_idx in d.output_ports:
res.output_ports[int(port_idx)] = GroupPort.from_dict(d.output_ports[port_idx])
return res
class GroupPort:
var type: DeckType.Types = DeckType.Types.ANY:
type = v
var label: String:
label = v
var descriptor: String:
descriptor = v
var usage_type: Port.UsageType = Port.UsageType.BOTH:
usage_type = v
signal updated()
func is_empty() -> bool:
type == DeckType.Types.ANY and\
label.is_empty() and\
descriptor.is_empty() and\
usage_type == Port.UsageType.BOTH
func to_dict() -> Dictionary:
var res := {
"type": type,
"label": label,
"descriptor": descriptor,
"usage_type": usage_type,
return res
static func from_dict(d: Dictionary) -> GroupPort:
var res := GroupPort.new()
res.type = d.type as DeckType.Types
res.label = d.label
res.descriptor = d.descriptor
res.usage_type = d.usage_type as Port.UsageType
return res