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class_name DeckNode
## A node in a [Deck].
## Nodes are the essential building block of a [Deck] graph. They can have connections between ports
## and send data through them.
## The name initially shown to a renderer.
var name: String
## A map of outgoing connections from this node, in the format[br]
## [code]Dictionary[int -> output port, Array[Dictionary[String -> DeckNode#_id, int -> input port]]][/code]
var outgoing_connections: Dictionary
## A map of incoming connections to this node, in the format[br]
## [code]Dictionary[int -> input port, [Dictionary[String -> DeckNode#_id, int -> output port]][/code]
var incoming_connections: Dictionary
## A list of [Port]s on this node.
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var ports: Array[Port]
## The deck this node belongs to.
var _belonging_to: Deck
## A unique identifier for this node.
var _id: String
## The type of this node, used for instantiation.
var node_type: String
## The description of this node, shown to the user by a renderer.
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var description: String
## A list of aliases for this node, used by search.
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var aliases: Array[String]
## The category of this node. Must be snake_case. This is additional data which
## a renderer can optionally show to the user.
var category: String
## Controls whether this node should appear in [SearchProvider].
var appears_in_search: bool = true
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## A list of additional properties to save when this node is saved.
var props_to_serialize: Array[StringName]
## The position of this node relative to the parent graph.
## Only used by renderers.
var position: Dictionary = {"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0}
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enum PortType{
INPUT, ## Input port type (slot on the left).
OUTPUT, ## Output port type (slot on the right).
VIRTUAL, ## Virtual port type (no slot on left [i]or[/i] right).
## Emitted when this node has been moved.
signal position_updated(new_position: Dictionary)
## Emitted when a port has been added.
signal port_added(port: int)
## Emitted when a port has been removed.
signal port_removed(port: int)
## Emitted when a port or multiple ports have been updated (added or removed).
signal ports_updated()
## Emitted when a connection from this node has been added.
signal outgoing_connection_added(from_port: int)
## Emitted when a connection from this node has been removed.
signal outgoing_connection_removed(from_port: int)
## Emitted when a connection to this node has been added.
signal incoming_connection_added(from_port: int)
## Emitted when a connection to this node has been removed.
signal incoming_connection_removed(from_port: int)
## Add an input port to this node. Usually only used at initialization.
func add_input_port(type: DeckType.Types, label: String, descriptor: String = "") -> void:
add_port(type, label, PortType.INPUT, get_input_ports().size(), descriptor)
## Add an output port to this node. Usually only used at initialization.
func add_output_port(type: DeckType.Types, label: String, descriptor: String = "") -> void:
add_port(type, label, PortType.OUTPUT, get_output_ports().size(), descriptor)
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## Add a virtual port to this node. Usually only used at initialization.
func add_virtual_port(type: DeckType.Types, label: String, descriptor: String = "") -> void:
add_port(type, label, PortType.VIRTUAL, get_virtual_ports().size(), descriptor)
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## Add a port to this node. Usually only used at initialization.
func add_port(type: DeckType.Types, label: String, port_type: PortType, index_of_type: int, descriptor: String = "") -> void:
var port := Port.new(type, label, ports.size(), port_type, index_of_type, descriptor)
port_added.emit(ports.size() - 1)
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## Remove a port from this node.
func remove_port(port_idx: int) -> void:
## Send data to all outgoing connections on port [param from_output_port].
func send(from_output_port: int, data: Variant, extra_data: Array = []) -> void:
if outgoing_connections.get(from_output_port) == null:
for connection in outgoing_connections[from_output_port]:
connection = connection as Dictionary
# key is node uuid
# value is input port on destination node
for node in connection:
get_node(node)._receive(connection[node], data, extra_data)
## Virtual function that's called when this node receives data from another node's [method send] call.
func _receive(to_input_port: int, data: Variant, extra_data: Array = []) -> void:
## Add a connection from the output port at [param from_port] to [param to_node]'s input port
## at [param to_port].
func add_outgoing_connection(from_port: int, to_node: String, to_port: int) -> void:
var port_connections: Array = outgoing_connections.get(from_port, [])
port_connections.append({to_node: to_port})
outgoing_connections[from_port] = port_connections
get_node(to_node).add_incoming_connection(to_port, _id, from_port)
## Add an incoming connection from [param from_node]'s output port at [param from_port] to this node's
## input port at [param to_port].
func add_incoming_connection(to_port: int, from_node: String, from_port: int) -> void:
var connection := {from_node: from_port}
incoming_connections[to_port] = connection
## Request a value from an incoming connection on this node's input port at [param on_port].
## Returns [code]null[/code] if no incoming connection exists on that port.
## The connected node may also return [code]null[/code].
func request_value(on_port: int) -> Variant:
if !incoming_connections.has(on_port):
return null
var connection: Dictionary = incoming_connections[on_port]
var node := get_node(connection.keys()[0])
return node._value_request(connection.values()[0])
## Virtual function that's called when this node has been requested a value from the output port
## at [param from_port].
func _value_request(from_port: int) -> Variant:
return null
## Remove an outgoing connection from this node.
## Does [b]not[/b] remove the other node's incoming connection equivalent.
func remove_outgoing_connection(from_port: int, connection_hash: int) -> void:
var port_connections: Array = (outgoing_connections.get(from_port, []) as Array).duplicate(true)
if port_connections.is_empty():
var incoming_connection := {}
var to_remove: int = -1
for i in port_connections.size():
if port_connections[i].hash() == connection_hash:
to_remove = i
if to_remove == -1:
print('nothing to remove')
outgoing_connections[from_port] = port_connections
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## Remove an incoming connection to this node on the input port at [param to_port].
## Does [b]not[/b] remove the other node's outgoing connection equivalent.
func remove_incoming_connection(to_port: int) -> void:
## Returns a list of all input ports.
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func get_input_ports() -> Array[Port]:
return ports.filter(
func(port: Port) -> bool:
return port.port_type == PortType.INPUT
## Returns a list of all output ports.
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func get_output_ports() -> Array[Port]:
return ports.filter(
func(port: Port) -> bool:
return port.port_type == PortType.OUTPUT
## Returns a list of all virtual ports.
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func get_virtual_ports() -> Array[Port]:
return ports.filter(
func(port: Port) -> bool:
return port.port_type == PortType.VIRTUAL
## Returns the global port index from the input port index at [param idx].
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func get_global_port_idx_from_input(idx: int) -> int:
if get_input_ports().size() > idx:
return get_input_ports()[idx].index
return -1
## Returns the global port index from the output port index at [param idx].
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func get_global_port_idx_from_output(idx: int) -> int:
if get_output_ports().size() > idx:
return get_output_ports()[idx].index
return -1
## Returns the global port index from the virtual port index at [param idx].
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func get_global_port_idx_from_virtual(idx: int) -> int:
if get_virtual_ports().size() > idx:
return get_virtual_ports()[idx].index
return -1
## Get a port's local index from the global port index at [param idx].
func get_port_type_idx_from_global(idx: int) -> int:
return ports[idx].index_of_type
## Returns the list of all ports.
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func get_all_ports() -> Array[Port]:
return ports
## Get a sibling node by its' ID.
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func get_node(uuid: String) -> DeckNode:
return _belonging_to.get_node(uuid)
## Virtual function that's called during deserialization before connections are loaded in.
func _pre_connection() -> void:
## Virtual function that's called after the node has been deserialized.
func _post_load() -> void:
## Returns a [Dictionary] representation of this node.
func to_dict(with_meta: bool = true) -> Dictionary:
var d := {
"_id": _id,
"name": name,
"outgoing_connections": outgoing_connections,
"incoming_connections": incoming_connections,
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"props": {},
"node_type": node_type,
"port_values": [],
"position": position,
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for prop in props_to_serialize:
d.props[prop] = get(prop)
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func(port: Port) -> void:
if with_meta:
d["meta"] = {}
for meta in get_meta_list():
d["meta"][meta] = var_to_str(get_meta(meta))
return d
## Returns the node's [member position] as a [Vector2].
func position_as_vector2() -> Vector2:
return Vector2(position.x, position.y)