261 lines
7.2 KiB
261 lines
7.2 KiB
import React from 'react';
import { getUsername } from '../../../util/matrixUtil';
function getTimelineJSXMessages() {
return {
join(user) {
return (
{' joined the channel'}
leave(user) {
return (
{' left the channel'}
invite(inviter, user) {
return (
{' invited '}
cancelInvite(inviter, user) {
return (
{' canceled '}
{'\'s invite'}
rejectInvite(user) {
return (
{' rejected the invitation'}
kick(actor, user, reason) {
const reasonMsg = (typeof reason === 'string') ? ` for ${reason}` : '';
return (
{' kicked '}
ban(actor, user, reason) {
const reasonMsg = (typeof reason === 'string') ? ` for ${reason}` : '';
return (
{' banned '}
unban(actor, user) {
return (
{' unbanned '}
avatarSets(user) {
return (
{' set the avatar'}
avatarChanged(user) {
return (
{' changed the avatar'}
avatarRemoved(user) {
return (
{' removed the avatar'}
nameSets(user, newName) {
return (
{' set the display name to '}
nameChanged(user, newName) {
return (
{' changed the display name to '}
nameRemoved(user, lastName) {
return (
{' removed the display name '}
function getUsersActionJsx(userIds, actionStr) {
const getUserJSX = (username) => <b>{getUsername(username)}</b>;
if (!Array.isArray(userIds)) return 'Idle';
if (userIds.length === 0) return 'Idle';
const u1Jsx = getUserJSX(userIds[0]);
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-one-expression-per-line
if (userIds.length === 1) return <>{u1Jsx} is {actionStr}</>;
const u2Jsx = getUserJSX(userIds[1]);
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-one-expression-per-line
if (userIds.length === 2) return <>{u1Jsx} and {u2Jsx} are {actionStr}</>;
const u3Jsx = getUserJSX(userIds[2]);
if (userIds.length === 3) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-one-expression-per-line
return <>{u1Jsx}, {u2Jsx} and {u3Jsx} are {actionStr}</>;
const othersCount = userIds.length - MAX_VISIBLE_COUNT;
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-one-expression-per-line
return <>{u1Jsx}, {u2Jsx}, {u3Jsx} and {othersCount} other are {actionStr}</>;
function parseReply(rawContent) {
if (rawContent.indexOf('>') !== 0) return null;
let content = rawContent.slice(rawContent.indexOf('@'));
const userId = content.slice(0, content.indexOf('>'));
content = content.slice(content.indexOf('>') + 2);
const replyContent = content.slice(0, content.indexOf('\n\n'));
content = content.slice(content.indexOf('\n\n') + 2);
if (userId === '') return null;
return {
function parseTimelineChange(mEvent) {
const tJSXMsgs = getTimelineJSXMessages();
const makeReturnObj = (variant, content) => ({
const content = mEvent.getContent();
const prevContent = mEvent.getPrevContent();
const sender = mEvent.getSender();
const senderName = getUsername(sender);
const userName = getUsername(mEvent.getStateKey());
switch (content.membership) {
case 'invite': return makeReturnObj('invite', tJSXMsgs.invite(senderName, userName));
case 'ban': return makeReturnObj('leave', tJSXMsgs.ban(senderName, userName, content.reason));
case 'join':
if (prevContent.membership === 'join') {
if (content.displayname !== prevContent.displayname) {
if (typeof content.displayname === 'undefined') return makeReturnObj('avatar', tJSXMsgs.nameRemoved(sender, prevContent.displayname));
if (typeof prevContent.displayname === 'undefined') return makeReturnObj('avatar', tJSXMsgs.nameSets(sender, content.displayname));
return makeReturnObj('avatar', tJSXMsgs.nameChanged(prevContent.displayname, content.displayname));
if (content.avatar_url !== prevContent.avatar_url) {
if (typeof content.avatar_url === 'undefined') return makeReturnObj('avatar', tJSXMsgs.avatarRemoved(content.displayname));
if (typeof prevContent.avatar_url === 'undefined') return makeReturnObj('avatar', tJSXMsgs.avatarSets(content.displayname));
return makeReturnObj('avatar', tJSXMsgs.avatarChanged(content.displayname));
return null;
return makeReturnObj('join', tJSXMsgs.join(senderName));
case 'leave':
if (sender === mEvent.getStateKey()) {
switch (prevContent.membership) {
case 'invite': return makeReturnObj('invite-cancel', tJSXMsgs.rejectInvite(senderName));
default: return makeReturnObj('leave', tJSXMsgs.leave(senderName));
switch (prevContent.membership) {
case 'invite': return makeReturnObj('invite-cancel', tJSXMsgs.cancelInvite(senderName, userName));
case 'ban': return makeReturnObj('other', tJSXMsgs.unban(senderName, userName));
// sender is not target and made the target leave,
// if not from invite/ban then this is a kick
default: return makeReturnObj('leave', tJSXMsgs.kick(senderName, userName, content.reason));
default: return null;
function scrollToBottom(ref) {
const maxScrollTop = ref.current.scrollHeight - ref.current.offsetHeight;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
ref.current.scrollTop = maxScrollTop;
function isAtBottom(ref) {
const { scrollHeight, scrollTop, offsetHeight } = ref.current;
const scrollUptoBottom = scrollTop + offsetHeight;
// scroll view have to div inside div which contains messages
const lastMessage = ref.current.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild;
const lastChildHeight = lastMessage.offsetHeight;
// auto scroll to bottom even if user has EXTRA_SPACE left to scroll
const EXTRA_SPACE = 48;
if (scrollHeight - scrollUptoBottom <= lastChildHeight + EXTRA_SPACE) {
return true;
return false;
function autoScrollToBottom(ref) {
if (isAtBottom(ref)) scrollToBottom(ref);
export {